ceremoNial tattoOS

Intentional tattoos that empower you on your journey

Each tattoo is an original work of art tailored to the client that Sofia intuitively designs with prayer & intention.

When selecting an area to get tattooed on our body , we are working with the issues on your tissues. Energy gets stored in our body, and we want to give awareness to those areas to heal energetically with the tattoo. Sofia will be working in accordance with a body chart to identify areas in our body that need a blast of power and healing

Sofia is trauma aware and holds a compassionate container for her clients to feel safe and be seen. Welcoming vulnerability and holding space for each other as we experience the weaving of life.

Every tattoo session will begin with opening the 4 doors to activate the sacred space. This will be comprised of prayer and the smudging of ethically sourced medicines to cleanse and ground the energy.

Tattoo sessions with Sofia will consist of medicine music to encourage the client to go into a meditative state as they process their pain and endure the discomfort with steady breath work.


  • HOW DO I BOOK? To book an appointment, email ayachaska@gmail.com stating your interest in getting tattooed by Sofia ,  & my wonderful assistant will walk you through the following steps.

  • WHERE ARE YOU LOCATED? I am based in Chicago and currently working at a private studio called Space Time Love.

  • WILL YOU BE TRAVELING TO MY CITY TO TATTOO? I frequently travel to Denver to do Guestspots around the city, and I’m contemplating on traveling to other parts of the world to tattoo , when I am ready to travel for work, tour dates will be posted on Instagram and on this website.

  • HOW MUCH DO YOU CHARGE? I base my prices according to the time and energy that is spent, so I charge at an hourly rate of $250. I offer half day rates which ranges from 2-3 hrs of $500-750 , and full day rates which range from 4- 5 hrs of $1000-1250. Due to my condition of Tendinitis, I cannot exceed past 4 or 5 hrs within one session.

  • HOW MUCH IS A DEPOSIT? $25o , the first initial deposit for a project will not be accredited towards the tattoo because it will cover the costs of time and energy it takes to create multiple designs for you to choose from. For any continuation projects, a deposit is still required and 100% will be accredited towards the session.

  • WHEN CAN I SUBMIT A TATTOO REQUEST? When the books are stated open for the desired city, you may submit a request via email.

  • YOUR BOOKS ARE STATED CLOSED, WHEN WILL THEY OPEN? Each booking period is between 3-5 months at a time, with each time that it opens is the time to submit requests. To those that reach out when books are closed will still be considered but not with an immediate response.

  • I SUBMITTED AN EMAIL WHILE YOUR BOOKS WERE CLOSED , WILL I BE CONSIDERED? Yes, but you may have to wait until the next booking period to get an appointment with me, unless I happen to have some spots available.

  • WHY DIDNT MY PROJECT GET APPROVED? For the integrity of my work , not everyone’s request will be accepted , projects that best suit my style and creative expression will be prioritized.

  • HOW CAN I BOOK A CONSULTATION? You must send an email first stating you are interested in working with me, and after gathering the info about what you are looking for, you will receive an email if your project has been approved, and if approved, we will then coordinate a consultation to go over your ideas and intentions for the tattoo project. Consultations are free, and a non refundable deposit will be required to book the tattoo appointment.